My main website is Smart Moms Saving Money

This is my last hope to live without pain every second of the day. Please pray for me, I need all prayers I can get. My main website is at Smart Moms Saving Money

Welcome, Read About My Back Surgeries Below.

My name is Laura, and I am 42 years old. I seriously injured my back at age 15, but didn't have major back surgery until 2004. Mostly the reason I waited so long was, due to fear and not trusting the doctors I had. Once I met Dr. Steck I knew right away, I had found THE Doctor that could not only handle this complicated surgery, but someone I trusted completely.
Read on and I'll try and explain my surgery and document my newest surgery too.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

How the back is doing TODAY

My back is feeling a lot better today I've been doing better not great but better. The only thing I am having a problem in I am still very run down. I am not falling a sleep as easy, but I am still falling a sleep while sitting up. If I could stay a sleep it wouldn't be so bad, but I don't so it's kind of a pain. Over all though I think I am going better and I will try and start walking Monday. I'll take it slow at first and work my way back up to where I can bring my dog again. I am a little scared to walk her by myself yet since she is so strong and if something catches her eye I could be in big trouble.
Until next time, have a great weekend!

DAILY STEALS & DEALS - Smart Moms Saving Money


  1. Laura, I'm heartbroken by your story. You don't need prayers or surgery, just a copy of Live Without Pain: A New Theory on What's Wrong With You and How to Fix it. If you would like a complimentary copy, I would be delighted to give it to you. I just need your email to

    Simon King

  2. Hi Simon,
    I am so sorry that I just found your message. I didn't realize how to see the comments. Thank you very much for your offer I will come visit and check out your book. I am willing to try just about anything that's why I've been through so much already. Thank you once again!
