My main website is Smart Moms Saving Money

This is my last hope to live without pain every second of the day. Please pray for me, I need all prayers I can get. My main website is at Smart Moms Saving Money

Welcome, Read About My Back Surgeries Below.

My name is Laura, and I am 42 years old. I seriously injured my back at age 15, but didn't have major back surgery until 2004. Mostly the reason I waited so long was, due to fear and not trusting the doctors I had. Once I met Dr. Steck I knew right away, I had found THE Doctor that could not only handle this complicated surgery, but someone I trusted completely.
Read on and I'll try and explain my surgery and document my newest surgery too.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Second Day Jan 19Th 2010

On My Second Day Jan 19Th 2010
I slept in my recliner last night, mainly, because I was so sore and also because I am so use to it.  I didn't know if I could lay still or not.  I hate to get in bed, because I always toss and turn and right now that isn't a good idea with these wires hanging all out.

Anyway I slept in my chair I think I got about 4 hours total sleep which is very good for me.  I had also slept very well after the surgery.  I feel like maybe I kind of know, why Michael Jackson liked having that sleep medication so much.  It felt like I had the best sleep in a few years.  Even though I don't think I was giving the medication he had, but I don't know for sure.

I woke up super sore today and wondering if this was working or not?  It was kind of hard to tell at first, because I was in a lot of pain.  As I woke up more I could feel that although I was in pain it wasn't my normal type of pain, it was more of a sore, tender type of pain all around where they went into my back.

As I got up and started moving around I started to feel better.  I wanted to test drive this thing Stimulator out.  I had to go pick up my daughter from her high school and bring her to NOCCA as I do everyday.  I was told I had to turn the Stimulator off to drive so I made sure before turning the car on I did that,where I wouldn't forget. 

Getting into the car wasn't that easy since I was so sore.  The worse part was sitting down when my back hit the back of the seat. Ouch! Super sore and if you know New Orleans, you know we have a lot of holes and bumps in the neighborhoods. 
Once I picked my daughter up I let her drive since she has her permit at least I could turn my stimulator back on while she drove.  It wasn't that bad riding as the passenger, I just was tender, but my main pain seems to feel better.

After dropping my daughter off, I had to go to the bank, because my deposit wasn't showing up.  I went inside and was able to get that all fixed.  I made sure I turned the Stimulator off before starting the car each time, then turned it back on when the car went off. 

After leaving the bank I went to Winn Dixie to pick up a few things.  Of course I bought more then I went inside for.  I noticed I was able to get the things out of my basket much easier then normal.    For once I was hoping for a long line.  I know what a sicko, right? ha ha I should of went to Walmart there's always a line there.  It always kills me to stand in line something about standing just puts me over the top with pain.

 Anyway I didn't really have to stand long, but I did have to unload the basket, which is another hard thing for me to do.  After that, when I was putting my groceries in the car I made sure not to pick up anything to heavy I picked up most bags with 2 hands and turned my whole body to set it down.  I know I looked kind of weird, but I know they told me not to bend or pick up anything over 5lbs. 

Once home I had to unload everything and I think I may of picked up a few things over 5lbs.  I don't know but I kind of did it without even thinking.  My back was starting to hurt, but it still seems a little better then normal.  I had lunch and took pain medicine.

 I have been missing my heating pad real bad.  I have a heating pad on my back all the time.  It is the only way I could get my back to feel some what better.  I don't want to use it at all while I have this in.  I don't know if I can or not I didn't even ask.  I am really trying to see if it works and if I should go through with having it put inside permanently.
I noticed my back bleed a little bit.  I am not sure if that is normal or not, I forgot to ask the nurse when I spoke to her earlier. 

Over all I truly believe it is working. I am not sure how much yet, but so far I am pretty happy and hopeful that this will be the answer to my prayers.

I'll end this here, but I'll update the day of my surgery and the 3rd day later on today okay.  Thanks for following!

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