My main website is Smart Moms Saving Money

This is my last hope to live without pain every second of the day. Please pray for me, I need all prayers I can get. My main website is at Smart Moms Saving Money

Welcome, Read About My Back Surgeries Below.

My name is Laura, and I am 42 years old. I seriously injured my back at age 15, but didn't have major back surgery until 2004. Mostly the reason I waited so long was, due to fear and not trusting the doctors I had. Once I met Dr. Steck I knew right away, I had found THE Doctor that could not only handle this complicated surgery, but someone I trusted completely.
Read on and I'll try and explain my surgery and document my newest surgery too.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


I sorry, I didn't update this blog as often as I had intended to, and I am sorry if you happen to stumble over here and you seen it was not updated.  It was a little harder for me to keep up with, then I though.  With my home life, being sore, going to doctors and trying to keep my other Freebie blog up I fell short.   Since I am going into surgery tomorrow morning at 5:30 to have the permanent Spinal Cord Stimulator put in I thought I better finish this.  Once again, sorry for my short comings.
On Monday 01-18-10 at 6:30 AM I got to the hospital.  Since I had registered already I went to the Same Surgery Desk and I was quickly put into a semi private room to wait for surgery.   I ended up waiting around 30 minutes, then was taken to the surgery holding room.
I met the anthologists I had two of them who would go into surgery with me. I also met another nurse and a couple of student doctors.

  I only ended up waiting around 20 minutes to go to surgery.  They gave me meds to make me tired, but where I could still be awake to help guide the leads in the right spots.   It was hard to get it in the right spots.  It would seem to get close but end up being short on getting there.  I was starting to get a little fustrated, because I wasn't sure what to do to make it work. The doctor would ask me where I was feeling the tingling as he moved it down my calf or thigh and so on.  There was a huge monitor in front of me where the doctor could see what he was doing.  It was neat watching the wires move and then feel these weird sensations here and there.
  My surgery went on a little longer then most, it took him about an hour to get it where he wanted it.  The incision was only a couple of inches long and then he put a couple of stitches over it and this HUGE bandage with the most tape I've ever seen before.  Oh and this brown medicine that turned my back brown,  my under wear and the bed all brown.  It took forever for that stuff to wear off too.
 My back was pretty numb when I cam out of surgery and I only had the leads hanging out of me at that time.  The doctor asked me what side I sleep on where he could put the leads on the other side.  I sleep on both sides so I ended up picking my left side to sleep on.  They put the leads on one side and then you have to sleep on the other side.  When I came out of surgery they had the wires hanging out on my right side and the nurse from the Stiumulator company came in my room and ;kjjjtaught me how to use it.  When she first started it , it was Wooo!  It came on pretty strong and scared me a little big.  I felt it all over my body vibrating here and there I helped her get it to vibrate in the area I needed it to work.  I finally got it to the right spots and that was it she left it on that and showed me how to work it, it was pretty easy.
Oh, one more thing if you sleep on your stomach, you won't be able to do that with this machine.
  My back was pretty sore but still somewhat numb and I was super sleepy.
Then they left me go home after I ate something and used the bathroom.
Riding home make sure you bring a pillow, because your incision will be very sore.

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