My main website is Smart Moms Saving Money

This is my last hope to live without pain every second of the day. Please pray for me, I need all prayers I can get. My main website is at Smart Moms Saving Money

Welcome, Read About My Back Surgeries Below.

My name is Laura, and I am 42 years old. I seriously injured my back at age 15, but didn't have major back surgery until 2004. Mostly the reason I waited so long was, due to fear and not trusting the doctors I had. Once I met Dr. Steck I knew right away, I had found THE Doctor that could not only handle this complicated surgery, but someone I trusted completely.
Read on and I'll try and explain my surgery and document my newest surgery too.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

My Third Day With My Spinal Chord Stimulator Trial

I ended up sleeping much longer last night I got about 5 hours which is really good for me.  I usually don't get, but maybe 3 hours of sleep a night if that.  When I sleep in my bed even though I have one of the best beds I would wake up every hour in pain and only get about 3 hours sleep then when I wake up I am super sore and it's always so hard to walk when I get up.  The difference this morning was that I got up very easily and walked with almost no problem what so ever.  I walked so easy it was like I had forgotten for a moment. 

  It was really nice to sleep and wake up feeling better then I had in a long time.  I turned the machine up pretty high when I went to sleep so I know that's what helped me. It was blocking my pain so I was able to not only sleep I was able to stay a sleep too.  I was so happy I had that one really good night, because I was finding it very hard to say if it was making that much of a difference or not.

I really believe 3 days isn't long enough to know if this works or not.  The reason why is, because your back is so sore from going thorough the surgery just to try it out. Another down side to the machine is it can be working great while your in one position, but then not at all in another position you may have to move to get it to work right.  A few times it sort of shocked me, but it was easily fixed by either turning it down or just moving.

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